Parashat Metzora

Cleansing the Leper

Lev 14:1–15:33

“This shall be the law of the metzora on the day of his purification: He shall be brought to the Kohen. The Kohen shall go forth to the outside of the camp; the Kohen shall look, and behold! — the tzaraas affliction had been healed from the metzora.” (Lev 14:2-3)

Photo by San Diego Seed Company

Haftorah Metzora

2 Kings 7:3–20

“There were four men who were lepers at the city gate. They said one to the other, ‘Why should we sit here until we die? If we propose to enter the city, there is a famine in the city and we will die there; and if we remain here we will die. So let us know go and throw ourselves upon the camp of Aram; if they let us live we will live and if they put us to death we will die.'” (2 Kings 7:3-4)

Photo by Spencer Davis

Brit Hadashah Metzora
Matt 9:20–26
Mark 5:24–34

Photo by Olga Guryanova

“Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse.” (Mark 5:25-26)

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