Chapter 19
YHVH tells Moses to prepare the Chikdren of Israel for receiving His word. YHVH tells the Children of Israel they will be the most beloved treasures of all people, for His is the entire world. (Verse 5)
They have 3 days to prepare. The me. Are not to draw near to a woman. They prepared and washed their clothing. YHVH established boundaries, they could not ascend the mountain, or touch its edge, whoever touched the mutation would surely die.
On the third day the sound of the shofar was very powerful. YHVH descended to the top of Mt. Sinai and Moses ascended to the top of Mt. Sinai. YHVH told Moses to descend to warn the people Bout bursting through, and then to ascend again with Aaron. The Kohanim and the people were to remain at the bottom of the mountain.
Chapter 20:
The Ten Commandments are given, but much much more as given t the people than just 10 commandments. Moses was on the mountain for 40 days and nights and he received all of the word from Exodus 19 – Exodus 31.
Verse 21:
“….wherever I permit My Name to be mentioned I shall come to you and bless you.”
Chapter 21:
YHVH begins to give Moses the ordinances, mishpatim.
Rights of the young women:
1. Food – (physically, spiritually, spiritual leadership, counsel, guidance, intercession, prayer)
2. Clothing – (physically, protection, deliverance, binding/loosing)
3. Marital relationship
If this is not performed she shall leave free of charge, without payment.
Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise. (Verse 23-25).