10 Plagues – Literally and Symbolically

10 Plagues – Literally and Figuratively

1st Plague:

Blood/Blood Atonement, Covenant
2nd Plague:
Frogs/Unclean things, Sexual Immorality
3rd Plague:
Lice/Dormant sin (curses)/demons
4th Plague:
 Swarm of wild beasts/Flesh, Selfishness
5th Plague:
Epidemic/livelihood, economy, infrastructure
6th Plague:
Boils/Impure blood, unclean, reproach, trusting in things not of YHVH
7th Plague:
Hail/Stoniness of Heart, Hardness of heart –> Spirit of Truth; Bombard and destroy all strongholds of error embraced by the church; Addressing doctrinal errors in the body of believers; teachings embraced by body of believers
8th Plague:
Locust/Demons, curses, devouring spirit, spirit of poverty
9th Plague:
Darkness/Life without YHVH, “experience of forsaken”
10th Plague:
Death of the firstborn/Finality of sin, refusal to walk in covenant