Moon, Jupiter and Venus

Recently the moon, Jupiter and Venus were at a very close alignment in the sky. It was pretty amazing to see. I got this image from: Nasa

I want to know what this alignment means. What do each of these, the Moon, Venus and Jupiter represent symbolically. I have searched and searched on google and have not been able to find all that much about it. And what this alignment itself means.

Then on December 12, 2008, the largest moon seen since 1993 was visible. The moon appeared 14% closer and 30% brighter than on any other day so far since 1993. What does this mean? I’m hoping that some one will see this blog and be able to answer from a biblical stand point all the significance of these lunar happenings. See Full Moon Image I found at Boards.IE. I understand the science of how close the moon and earth are, but what are the spiritual or other symbolic relationship to this occurrence. And why has it not happened since 1993?