CRP – Day 83: Joshua 5 – 8

Chapter 5: (main points)

All the men are circumcised (verse 2).
YHVH “rolled away the disgrace of Egypt from upon them” (verse 9).
Joshua meets the angel of YHVH who tells him to remove your shoe from upon your foot, for the place upon which he stand is holy. (Verse 15).
Chapter 6:
All the men of war, for a six day period encircle the city 1 time.
7 Kohanim, carry 7 shofars BEFORE the Ark, will circle the city 7 times. The Kohanim will blow the shofars. With the dad tended blast the people shall cry out with a great cry, and the wall if the city will drop down in its place, and the people shall advance, each man straight ahead, (verse 5).
They were to save Rahab and her family (verse 17).
All the silver and gold and vessels of copper and iron are holy to YHVH; they shall go to the treasury of YHVH. (Verse 19).
They burned down Jericho in fire (verse 24).
Rahab descendants dwelled in the midst of Israel until this day (verse 25).
Cursed before YHVH be the man who rises up and rebuilds this city Jericho; with his oldest [child] he will lay its foundation and with his youngest he will setup his gates (verse 26; Reference Lev 14:45; 1 Kings 16:34).
Chapter 7:
The children of Israel’s hearts melted and became like water, (verse 5); 
Israel sinned:  (verse 11)
1. Violated Covenant
2. Taken from consecrated property
3. Stolen
4. Denied
5. Placed it in their vessels
Guilty party was singled out, Achan, son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah of the tribe of Judah, was singled out, (verse 18).
Israel pelted him (and all that was his), burned them fire, and stoned them with stones, in the Valkey of Achor [troubling]. (Verses 25 – 26).
Chapter 8:
Do not fear and do not lose resolve (verse 1).
Conquer Ai, and the fool the men of Ai junto thinking they were retreating again.  They killed all the people of Ai. There was no remnant no survivor (verse 22).
Joshua did not withdraw his hand that he stretched out with the spear until he had destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai (verse 26).  Possibly like Moses did when Hur and Aaron held up his arms during the battle.
Joshua reads the whole Torah to the people with half the ppl on Mt. Ebal, and half of them on Mt. Gerizim. (Verse 33).