List of Judges – Children of Israel – Judges 3-5

List of Judges – Judges 3-5
Children of Israel
1.  Othniel – “My Strength is in God” – Judges 3:9. Son of Kenaz “Hunter”, Caleb’s “loyal” younger brother. He saved them Cushan-rishathaim “Twice Wicked Cushan” or “Most Malicious Cushan”.  Children of Israel served him for 8 years. Cushan-rishathaim was defeated and the land was tranquil for 40 years.
2. Ehud – “Joining together” – Judges 3:15. Son of Gera “a grain”, Benjaminite “son of the right hand”. He had a withered right hand. He saved them from Eglon “calf-like”, king of Moab “Of my father”. Eglon gathered Children of Ammon “of my people” and Amalek “people of lapping” and together they took possession of Jericho “City of Date Palms”. Children of Israel served him for 18 years. Eglon was a very obese man. Ehud made a sword with 2 sharp edges. Ehud struck Eglon with the sword in his left hand from his right thigh and thrust it into Eglon’s belly.  The entire sword from blade to hilt went into Eglon’s belly and the fat of Eglon’s belly closed around the sword.  Ehud did not pull the sword out of Eglon’s belly.  The excrement of Eglon’s body poured out.  Ehud went out to the porch closed the doors to the upper chamber and locked the doors.  Eglon’s servants thought he was just relieving himself and they waited for a long time.  When they opened the door, their master was fallen to the ground dead.  Ehud escaped while they waited for Eglon.  Ehud passed the quarries and escaped to Seirah “the shaggy” or “a female goat”.  Ehud arrived at Mt. Ephraim and sounded the shofar.  He told the Child of Israel to give chase behind him because YHVH has delivered Moab into their hand.  The Children of Israel conquered Jordan’s crossing into Moab and didn’t let anyone cross.  They struck Moab at that time about 10,000 men, every fearsome man, and every mighty hero, not a man escaped. Moab was subjugated under the hand of Israel and the land was tranquil for 80 years.
3. Shamgar “sword”, son of Anath “answer to prayer” struck the Philistines “immigrants” 600 men with a cattle goad and he too saved Israel.
4. Deborah “bee”, prophetess, wife of Lappidoth “torches”. She sat under the date palm of Deborah (Rebekah’s nurse Deborah Gen 35:8) between Ramah “hill” and Bethel “house of God” on Mt. Ephraim “doubly fruitful” and the Children of Israel would go to her for judgment.  She summoned Barak “lightening or lightening flash”, son of Abinoam “my father is delight” of Kedesh-Naphtali “Holy place or sanctuary” to save them from Jabin “whom God observes”, king of Canaan “lowland” who reigned in Hazor “castle”.  The general of his army was Sisera “battle array” who dwelt in Harosheth-goiim “woodland nations”. Sisera had 900 iron chariots, he oppressed Children of Israel for 20 years.  She told Barak, YHVH said  to convince the people to go toward Mount Tabor “mound, stone quarry or lofty place” and take 10,000 men from the children of Naphtali “wrestling”  and from the children of Zebulun “exalted” and YHVH would draw Sisera to Kishon “winding” Brook and deliver Sisera and Jabin’s army with his chariot and multitude into Barak’s hand.  Barak refused to go unless Deborah went with him.  She said that she would go with him but the path he choose would not be for his glory, and that YHVH would deliver Sisera into the hand of a woman.  Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh.  Barak mustered Napthali and Zebulun, 10,000 men to Kedesh.

Heber “comrade” the Kenite “smiths”, separated from the Kenites, from the children of Hobab “cherished”, father-in-law of Moses, pitched his tent in Zaanannim  “removings”, near Kedesh “Holy”.  Sisera was told that Barak son of Abinoam had gone up from Mount Tabor.  Sisera gathered his 900 iron chariots and all the people with him from Harosheth-goiim to Kishon Brook.  Deborah told Barak Arise for this is the day that YHVH will deliver Sisera into your hand.  “Behold, YHVH has gone forth before you!” (Judges 4:14).

YHVH panicked Sisera and all the chariots and the entire camp by edge of the sword before Barak.  Sisera dismounted from his chariot and fled on his feet.  Barak chased after the chariots and after the camp until Harosheth-goiim.  the entire camp of Sisera fell by the sword, not even one was left.  Sisera fled on his feet to the tent of Jael “mountain goat”, wife of Heber, the Kenite.  There was peace between Heber and Jabin King of Hazor.  Jael asked asked Sisera to turn aside to her tent.  She covered him with a blanket.  He asked for a water and she gave  him milk.  He told her to stand at the entrance of her tent and tell anyone that no say that no one was there in her tent.  Jael, wife of Heber took a tent peg and a hammer and struck Sisera down stealthily and drove the peg into his temple while he was sleeping.  When Barak pursued Sisera Jael went out and told him that she would show him that man that he sought.  Barak came into her tent and found Sisera dead with the peg in his temple.  On that day YHVH subjugated Jabin, king of Canaan before the Children of Israel.  The Children of Israel became progressively harsh over Jabin, king of Canaan until they destroyed Jabin, king of Canaan.  The land was tranquil for 40 years.