List of Judges – Childen of Israel – Judges 6-7

List of Judges – Judges 6-7
Children of Israel
5. Gideon (aka Jerubaal) “hewer”, son of Joash “Given by the Lord”, an Abiezerite “my father is help” (of the tribe of Manasseh “causing to forget”). Was chosen by YHVH to save Israel from the grip of Midian “strife”.  His Manassite family was the most impoverish (Judge 6:15) and he was the youngest in his father’s house.  YHVH told Gideon that he would strike down Midian like they were a single man.  Gideon told the angel of YHVH to not leave until he could bring his tribute to him.  He prepared a young goat and brought matzos from an ephah of flour and brought them to the angel beneath the elm tree.  The angel took the tribute and placed it on a rock and a flame went up from the rock and consumed the meat and the matzos.  The angel of YHVH left from before his eyes.  Gideon realized that he has seen an angel of YHVH face to face.  Gideon built an altar there and called it “YHVH Shalom”. Until this day it is at Ophrah ‘fawn” of Abiezrite.

YHVH told Gideon to take the young bull that belonged to his father and the second bull which is 7 years old and break apart the altar of Baal that belongs to his father and cut down the Asherah tree near it.  Then build an altar for YHVH your God atop the strong rock on a level place.  Take the 2nd bull and offer it up as an elevation offering using the wood of the Asherah tree that he will cut down.  Gideon did all that YHVH asked but at night time.   The people of the town wanted to know who did this thing and they said Gideon son of Joash did it.  The men of the city wanted JOash to bring out his son so that he could die, because he broke the altar of Baal and because he cut down the Asherah tree.  Joash said to the men of his town, let Baal take up his grievance against Gideon for breaking “its” altar.  Joash named Gideon him Jerubaal “let Baal Contend” saying “Let the Baal take up the grievance against him for breaking it’s altar”. 

Gideon was to battle Midian, Amalek “dweller of the valley” and the people of the East, they all gathered together in the Valley of Jezreel “God sows”. The spirit of YHVH clothed Gideon and he blew the shofar and the family of Abiezer was mustered after him.  He sent messengers throughout Manasseh and they were mustered after him.  He sent messengers to Asher, Zebulun and Napthali and they ascended to confront them.

Gideon spread a fleece of wool on the threshing floor.  He asked YHVH if the dew will only be on the fleece and the entire ground is dry then he would know that YHVH will help Israel through Gideon’s hand.  The next morning he arose and the fleece was wet and he pressed out a full bowl of water.  Gideon asked YHVH to let not his wrath flare against him and let there be only dryness on the fleece and the entire ground is wet.  YHVH did so on that night and the fleece was dry and the ground wet.

YHVH told Gideon that he had too many people with him.  He didn’t want Israel to boast itself over Him.  YHVH told Gideon to release the men who fear and tremble and let them turn back and depart at dawn from Mount Gilead.  22,000 men withdrew and 10,000 remained.  YHVH said there are still too many people.  He told Gideon to bring them down to the water and YHVH will purge them.  YHVH purged the men by bringing them down to the water.  Everyone who lapped the water like a dog and who kneels on his knees to drink, were removed from the 10,000 remaining men.  All that was left were 300 men.  YHVH told Gideon to go and descend to the camp of Midian, with his attendant Purah “bough” and listen to what they will speak, then Gideon’s hand will be strengthened.  Gideon and Purah descended into the camp of Midian, a man was relating his dream to his fellow.  The dream was about how Midian would be delivered into Gideon’s hand by YHVH.

Gideon returned to the camp and divided the 300 men into 3 companies.  he armed them with Shofars and empty jugs with torches inside the jugs. He told the men “See my example and do the same.  Behold, when I arrive at the edge of the camp, then as I do, so shall you do. “(Judges 7:17).  They arrived at the edge of the camp, they sounded the shofars and broke the jugs that were in there hand.  The three companies sounded the shofars and broke the jugs.  In their left hand (judgment) they grasped the torches (light) and in their right hand (authority) the shofars to sound and they called out “The sword for YHVH and for Gideon!” (Judges 7:20).  They sounded the 300 shofars and YHVH set each man’s sword against his fellow and through out the entire camp.  The camp fled as far as Beth-shittah “house of the acacia tree”, toward Zererah “oppressing”, as far as the border of Abel-meholah “meadow of dancing”, near Tabbath “celebrated”.

The men of Israel were mustered from Naphtali, Asher and Manasseh and pursued Midian.  Gideon sent messengers throughout Mount Ephraim saying “Come down toward Midian and secure the water-way to block them until Beth-barah (“house of the ford”) and the Jordan”.  All the men of Ephraim were mustered and they occupied the water until Beth-barah and the Jordan.  They captured the two leaders of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb; they killed Oreb “raven” at the Rock of Oreb  and they killed Zeeb “wolf” at the Wine press of Zeeb, and they pursued Midian.  They brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon across the Jordan.