Deborah, Barak, Jael

Deborah, Barak, and Jael

Judges: 4:1 – 24

Deborah – a prophetess, wife of Lappidoth, judged Israel sitting under the palm of Deborah (Gen 35:8, nurse of Rebecca). The tree was located between Ramah and Bethel on Mt. Ephraim. The Children of Israel would go to her for judgment.

Barak – Son of Abinoam of Kedesh-naphtali. 10,000 men of Naphtali and Zebulon to go and fight Sisera.

Sisera – General of the Canaanite army, under King Jabin. Sisera has 900 Iron chariots.

P’shat Level: (Plain Sense of the text)

Barak is told by Deborah to go to war with Sisera but Barak says that he will only go if Deborah goes. Deborah agrees to go but tells Barak that the path he has chosen will not be for his glory but will go to the hand of a woman. They then journey to Kedesh.

Barak mustered Naphtali and Zebulon. Heber the Kenite separated from the Kenites, children of Hobab, father-in-law of Moses and pitched his tent I the Plain of Zaanannim, near Kedesh.

Sisera was told that Barak had mustered an army and gone to Mt. Tabor. They left Harosheth-goiim to Kishon Brook. Deborah told Barak, “Arise! For this is the day when YHVH has delivered Sisera into your hand – behold YHVH has gone forth before you!”

Barak descended Mt. Tabor with 10, 000 men. YHVH panicked Sisera and all the chariots and the entire camp by the edge of the sword before Barak. Sisera dismounted from his chariot and fled on his feet. Barak chased after the chariots after the camp of Harosheth-goiim and the entire camp of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword, not even one was left.

Sisera fled on foot to Jael’s tent, wife of Heber, the Kenite, for there was peace between Jabin, King of Hazor, and the house of Heber the Kenite. Jael went toward Sisera saying, “Turn aside, my lord, turn aside to me, do not fear”. So he did and she covered him with a blanket. He asked her for water ad she gave him milk and covered him. Barak told Jael to stand guard at the tent entrance and to say that no one was here with her.

Jael, wife of Heber took a tent peg and hammer and stealthily drove the peg into his temple. Barak pursuing Sisera was stopped by Jael. Jael said, “Come I will show you the man whom you seek!”. Barak sees Sisera dead.

YHVH subjugated Jabin, King of Canaan before the Children of Israel. The hand of the Children of Israel become progressively harsh over Jabin, King of Canaan, until they destroyed Jabin, King of Canaan.

Name Meanings:

Deborah – Eloquent, a bee
Lappidoth – Torches, having eyes of fire, enlightened, Lightening flashes
Ramah – high place
Bethel – House of god, Mighty House
Mt. Ephraim – Double fruitful
Barak – Lightening, thunder, thunderbolt
Abinoam – father of pleasantness
Kedesh-naphtali – Sanctuary, holy, Wrestling, struggling
Zebulon – dwelling
Sisera – A field of battle
Canaanite — lowland
Jabin – intelligent, to understand
Heber – fellowship; a companion
Kenite – a nest
Hobab — beloved
Moses – drawn from water
Zaanannim – enormous migrations, wanderings
Mt. Tabor – you will purge
Harosheth-goiim – carving, cutting of the nations
Kishon Brook – winding about, brook
Jael – to help, benefit
Hazor – fence, castle, court

Drash Level: (Truth and Principal Level)
The children of Israel after entering into the land did not remove all of the inhabitants of the land as they were commanded to do. Those peoples then became a thorn in their side. King Jabin and Sisera were one such thorn in the side of Naphtali and Zebulon. The children of Israel were in bondage to this king for 20 years until YHVH raised up Barak. Their disobedience brought slavery and oppression.

Remez Level: (Theme)
Barak did not choose to walk completely in what he was commanded to do by YHVH. The glory of the battle, to this day, went to Jael.

Sod Level: (Hidden meaning)

Jael gave to Sisera milk when he asked for water and she covered him with a blanket. I’m not sure what this means, but it does mean something.
Deborah being a prophetess and judge of Israel, again I’m not fully sure of the meaning.
Heber the Kenite, separated from the rest of his tribe to settle in Plain of Zaanannim.