12 Tribes of Israel Banners

The children of Israel shall encamp, each man by his banner according to the insignias of their father’s household, at a distance surrounding the Tent of Meeting shall they encamp.

12 Tribes Arrangement

Judah Banner
Judah, you, your brothers shall acknowledge; your hand will be at your enemies’ nape; your father’s sons will prostrate themselves to you. A lion cub is Judah; from the prey, my son, you elevated yourself. He crouches, lies down like a lion, and like an awesome lion, who dares rouse him? The scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a scholar from among his descendants until Shiloh arrives and his will be an assemblage of nations. He will tie his donkey to the vine; to the vine branch his donkey’s foal; he will launder his garments in wine and his robe in the blood of grapes. Red eyed from wine, and white toothed from milk. Judah’s banner reflects the above verse spoken prophetically right before the death of his father Jacob. See Genesis 49:8 – 12.

Issachar BannerIssachar, is a strong-boned donkey; he rests between the boundaries. He saw tranquility that it was good, and the land that it was pleasant, yet he bent his shoulder to bear and he became an indentured laborer. See Genesis 49:14 – 15

Zebulun BannerZebulun, shall settle by seashores. He shall be at the ship’s harbor, and his last bordre will reach Zidon. See Genesis 49:13

Levi BannerLevi, Simeon and Levi are comrades, their weaponry is a stolen craft. Into their conspiracy, may my soul not enter! With their congregation, do not join, O my honor! For in theirrage they murdered people and at their whim they hamstrung an ox. Accursed is their rage for it is intense, and their wrathfor it is harsh; I will separate them within Jacob, and I will disperse them in Israel. See Genesis 49:5 – 6

Reuben BannerReuben, you are my firstborn, my strength and my inital vigor, foremost in rank and foremost in power. Water like impetuosity — you cannot be foremost, because you mounted your father’s bed; then you desecrated Him Who ascended my couch. See Genesis 49:3 – 4

Simeon BannerSimeon, Simeon and Levi are comrades, their weaponry is a stolen craft. Into their conspiracy, may my soul not enter! With their congregation, do not join, O my honor! For in theirrage they murdered people and at their whim they hamstrung an ox. Accursed is their rage for it is intense, and their wrathfor it is harsh; I will separate them within Jacob, and I will disperse them in Israel. See Genesis 49:5 – 6

Gad BannerGad, will recruit a regiment and it will retreat on its heel. See Genesis 49:19

Ephraim BannerEphraim, But Israel extended his right hand and laid it on Ephraim’s head though he was the younger and his left hand on Manasseh’s head. He maneuvered his hands , for Manasseh was the firstborn. He blessed Joseph and he said, O God before Whom my forefathers Abraham and Isaac walked — God Who shepherds me from my inception until this day: May the angel who redeems me from all evil bless the lads, and may my name be declared upon them, and the names of my forefathers Abraham and Isaac, and may they proliferate abundantly like fish within the land.”………So he blessed them that day, saying, ” By you shall Israel bless saying, ‘May god make you like Ephraim and like Manasseh'” — and he put Ephraim before Manasseh. See Genesis 48:13 – 20

Joseph BannerIn addition to their own blessing they also received the blessing of Joseph. See Genesis 48:21 – 22 and Genesis 49: 22- 26

Manasseh BannerManasseh, But Israel extended his right hand and laid it on Ephraim’s head though he was the younger and his left hand on Manasseh’s head. He maneuvered his hands , for Manasseh was the firstborn. He blessed Joseph and he said, O God before Whom my forefathers Abraham and Isaac walked — God Who shepherds me from my inception until this day: May the angel who redeems me from all evil bless the lads, and may my name be declared upon them, and the names of my forefathers Abraham and Isaac, and may they proliferate abundantly like fish within the land.”………So he blessed them that day, saying, ” By you shall Israel bless saying, ‘May god make you like Ephraim and like Manasseh'” — and he put Ephraim before Manasseh. See Genesis 48:13 – 20

Benjamin BannerBenjamin, is a predatory wolf; in the morning he will devour prey and in the evening he will distribue spoils. See Genesis49:27

Dan BannerDan, will avenge his people, the tribes of Israel will be united as one. Dan will be a serpent on the highway, a viper by the path, that bites a horse’s heels so its rider falls backward. For Your salvation do I long, O Hashem! See Genesis49:16 – 18

Asher BannerFrom Asher, — his bread will have richness, and he will provide kingly delicacies. See Genesis 49:20

Naphtali BannerNaphtali, is a hind let loose who delivers beautiful sayings. See Genesis 49:20

These are the banners of the 12 tribes of Israel as they are arranged around the temple. These are the blessing bestowed upon them by there father Jacob/Israel before his death. They were later blessed again by Moses before his death. For these blessing please go to page 12 Tribe Blessings by Moses.

13 thoughts on “12 Tribes of Israel Banners

  1. Brian Wnek has left a new comment on your post "12 Tribes of Israel Banners":

    I am looking for the tribal standard for joseph and that of ephram. The picture is fuzzy on my end. can you post the scriptures where these standards are found.

    Posted by Brian Wnek to Banah Torah at Thu Jul 17, 09:41:00 PM MDT

  2. Hi, I am writing you because of information I saw on this website.
    I am interested in the subject of Israel’s tribal flags and I thought you might be interested in some things I've found in my studies.


    Torah Portion Bemibar, Numbers 2, and the encampments of the twelve tribes around the Mishkan.

    (Num. 2:2) “Every one of the sons of Israel shall pitch by his own Degel with the sign [Owth] of their father’s house.”

    Here are the tribes names in the chronological birth order and with each of their twelve patriarchal Degelim colors.

    [1] Reuben – Red square flag, with mandrake flowers as the insignia.

    [2] Simeon – Green square flag, with the Shechem forties image as the insignia.

    [3] Levi – The exterior square flag frame is made of three vertical striped sections of white, black, and red. Superimposed at the center is the Hoshen as the insignia [the priestly Breastplate, which itself has three vertical rows of the twelve square tribal Degelim surrounded by YHWH sign [Owth.] His sign [Owth] is assemble with gold, sky-blue, purple, crimson / scarlet, and white threads colors, combining the color components together in a single varicolored thread and weaving those varicolored threads producing the woven fabric {varicolored chequered design Strong’s # 4865. Mishbetsah.} The oldest known documented record that show how to merge those Hebraic color components together into a single varicolored thread is described in the Talmud {Mas. Yoma 71b}on (Ex.28:15.) This blended of varicolored fabric motif surrounding all twelve tribal Degelim.] Position in the central Levitical square Degel is YHWH Own sign [Owth,] just described, could be said to be the flag of YHWH’s kingdom. [In the ancient Semitic concept, vertical fabric color stripes, known as tiger stripes are a sign of honor.]

    [4] Judah – Sky blue square flag, with a lion as the insignia.

    [5] Dan – Blue square flag, with a snake on a scale as the insignia.

    [6] Naphtali – [clear wine] Purple square flag [burgundy], with a hind as the insignia.

    [7] Gad – Grey [a varicolored blend of black white and sky blue color varicolored thread cord then interlacing together into weave fabric] square flag, with an encampment of tents as the insignia.

    [8] Asher – Blue-green square flag, with a woman’s turban and an olive tree as the insignia. The head cover is symbolic covenant commitment to YHWH. Strong’s # 6797 Tz-ne-phot, is a woman’s turban, from the masculine root Turban {Tz-nyeh-ph} as (Isaiah 62:3) “You will be a turban {Tz-nyeh-ph} crown in YHWH hand.” Asher tribal turban is emblematic of their covenanted relation with YHWH. There is long sustained guiding principle in the Tanak, that those who are anointed with oil in Messianic commissions and function in a Messianic role, are always awarded a headdress as the spiritual symbol of their intended purpose.

    [9] Issachar – [dark] Blue square flag, with donkey carrying a saddle bag, or of the sun and the moon as the insignia.

    [10] Zebulun – White square flag, with a ship as the insignia.

    [11] Joseph – Black square flag, with a sheaf of wheat as the insignia.

    * A. Ephraim – Black square flag, with a bullock as the insignia.
    * B. Manasseh – Black square flag, with a oryx as the insignia.

    [12] Benjamin – All tribal colors in a varicolored combination, including all tribal colors of red, green, white, black, blue, bluish-green and purple, the seven [7] varicolored thread cord used in their fabric Flag. {The varicolored is a twisted blend of these colors into a single cord then interlaced together into woven fabric.} Benjamin varicolored square Degel with a wolf as the insignia.

  3. Hi, do you have the scriptures for the above information? The colors you mentioned are different then the colors on the banners represented in the study presented by Banah-Torah.

  4. The banners pictured are those made for and sold to Masonic Royal Arch Masons in England. They are displayed in Royal Arch meetings.

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