Facing the Giants Part 2 – Unforgiveness

It’s take. Me a couple of weeks to figure out exactly what I want to say for part 2. Unforgiveness comes in many forms. A grudge – vowing to remain angry and to never forgive someone, something etc for a hurt or offense. Remaining angry even after discussing a certain problem or conflict. Rehashing – this is when you bring up and old conflict over and over during the span of several months or years. Bitterness – this is a form of unforgiveness where you take several years or months worth of angry and hold onto it. Where you choose to stay in anger or refuse to let the hurt an anger go. Complaining – this is a form of unforgiveness where you feel powerless to make the appropriate change. Complaining also ties n with Part 1, Fear, because most times your afraid to make the change in the first place. So because you become bitter and refuse to make change you complain, never allowing the change into your life. Hurt and justification – as people get older the old hurts begin to take root into their lives. They begin to make decisions, rationalizations, and justify the “reasons” why they should remain angry at someone, something etc. in order to relieve hurt you should try to confront the person who caused the hurt the first place. By confront I mean go to them and state, you’ve cause me a hurt/wound and here what action or words that caused this hurt. Please understand that they may not even remember this incident or verbal exchange and do not allow the absence of memory to continue to fuel the hurt inside of you. Justification has the opportunity to know jump in and keep you angry and bitter towards this person. In the case where the person who caused you injury or pain is deceased or no longer around to contact you must take this before the Lord and give up this hurt as a petition before Him.
When confronting the problem or issue you are not to bring forth accusations with unreasonable justifications. This only continue to allow unforgiveness in your life. To face this giant you MUST forgive the persons or things that cause the hurt, wound, or error in the first place. You can not run from it nor can you continue to BLAME them for this any longer. Unforgiveness prevents blessing, so does fear.