CRP – Day 21: Genesis 27 – 29

Chapter 27:

Isaac is getting old and is about to bless his sons before he dies.  Isaac tells Esau to go and hunt game way he likes so that he can bless him. Esau leaves to go and hunt game. Rebecca tells Jacob to go in Esau’s stead and to pretend to be him to get blessed. She cooks the game and gives hm skins to put on his arms and neck. She tells Jacob that if Isaac curses Jacob for the deception, that his curse would be on her. He goes and receives Esau blessing.  He also says that he IS Esau three times before he receives Esau blessing. Esau arrives too late and one obtains a by small blessing. He harbors hatred toward Jacob and plans to kill him once Isaac dies. Rebecca learns of this and sends Jacob away so that she doesn’t loose both of her sons on the same day. She sends Jacob to Paddan-aram where she is from.
Chapter 28:
Jacob goes to Haran. He goes to sleep and he sees a ladder with angels going up and down it. YHVH tells Jacob, 
“Behold, I am with you; I will guard you wherever you go, and I will return you to this soil; for I will not forsake you Neil I will have done what I have spoken about you.” 
Jacob names the place Bethel “Mighty House or House of YHVH” prior to that the place was names Luz “almond tree”.
Chapter 29:
Jacob meets Rachel by the tree. He tells her father Laban, Rebecca brother, that he will work 7 years for Rachel. He works seven years and in the morning after the wedding he finds that he married Leah, her sister. He confront Laban and he says its not their custom t marry the younger before the elder. He tells to stay his wee with Leah and he will give him Rachel but he must work for him another 7 years.  Jacob loved attached more than Leah.  Leah has four sons by Jacob. Reuben “see a son”, Simeon “hearing”, Levi “attached”, Judah “praise”.