CRP – Day 23: Genesis 32 – 34

Chapter 32:

Jacob sends angels ahead of him to address Esau. The angels return and tell him that Esau is coming with about 400 men. Jacob becomes frightened and divides his camp. He sends a tribute to Esau his brother, in droves. He has his family cross over the ford at Jabbok “emptying, pouring out”. He wrestles all night long. He’s struck on the hip and now walks with a limp. YHVH renames him Israel. Jacob names the place Peniel “the face of God”. 
Chapter 33:
Jacob sees Esau coming. He divided his children. The handmaids first. Leah second, Rachel and Joseph last. He greets Esau, they weep and kiss on the neck. He sends the tribute to gain favor from Esau. Esau goes to Seir. Jacob travels to Succoth. He arrives at Shechem, he buys a parsal of land and from Hamor, Shechem’s father for 100 kesitahs. He set up and alter their and proclaimed, “God, the God of Israel” (“El Elohay Yisrael”).
Chapter 34:
Dinah is abducted and violated. Shechem, son of Hamor wants Dinah for his wife. Jacob doesn’t immediately tell his sons. His sons are outraged. Hamor proposes intermarriage between Israel and the inhabitants of Shechem. All of the men of Shechem agree to be circumcised in order to intermarry. Simeon and Levi killed every male in Shechem and they took Dinah from Shechem’s house. Jacob is angry at his sons. 
Verse 30
….”You have discomposed (to upset the order, unsettle) me, making me odious among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanite and among the Perizzite; I am fee in number and should they band together and attack me, I will be annihilated — I and my household.”
Verse 31
And they said, “Should he treat our sister like a harlot?”